IKI-40991: Seminar C

Rahmat M. Samik-Ibrahim
Agustus 2005 - Desember 2005

Jadual Kuliah, Ujian, dan Bobot Penilaian

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Penjelasan Umum

Sasaran Pembelajaran


Mata ajar akan diberikan dengan metoda diskusi kelompok. Pada awal semester, pada setiap pertemuan akan didiskusikan/dikaji sebuah makalah secara bersama-sama. Setelah pertengahan semester, pada setiap pertemuan akan didiskusikan/dikaji delapan artikel. Setiap kelompok akan membahas satu artikel. Dalam satu semester diharapkan akan dapat membahas sekurangnya 5 artikel secara rinci; serta membahas sekurangnya 46 artikel lainnya.

Pada pertemuan berikutnya, setiap kelompok mengumpulkan ringkasan makalah pertemuan sebelumnya dalam bentuk cetak (1-3 halaman) dan serta format PDF (dalam disket).


  1. The Effect of Online Community on Offline Community in Saudi Arabia by Yeslam al Saggaf (EJISDC 16:2 2004 pp. 1-16).
  2. Dealing with Plagiarism in the Information Systems Research Community – Look at Factors that Drive Plagiarism and Ways to Address Them by Ned Kock and Robert Davison (MISQ 27:4 2003).
  3. Untangling the Relationship Between Displayed Emotions and Organizational Sales – Case of Convenience Stores by Robert Sutten, Anat Rafaeli (AMJ 31:3 1988).
  4. CASE Tools as Organizational Change: Investigating Incremental and Radical Changes in Systems Development by Wanda J. Orlikowski (MISQ 17:3 Sep 1993).
  5. The Identity Crisis Within the IS Discipline: Defining and Communicating the Discipline's Core Properties by Izak Benbasat and Robert W. Zmud (MISQ 27:2 2003).
  6. Technology as an Ocasion for Structuring: Evidence from Observation of CT Scanners and the Social Order of Radiology by S.R. Barley (Administrative Science Quarterly, 31, 1986, pp. 78-108).
  7. Images of Imaging: Notes on Doing Longitudional Field Work by S.R. Barley (Organization Science 1:3 1990 pp 220-247).
  8. Sociological Paradigms and Organizational Analysis by G. Burrel and G. Morgan. (Heineman 1979 Chap. 1-3 pp. 1-37).
  9. "How Did They Get My Name?" An Exploratory Investigation of Consumer Attitudes Toward Secondary Information Use (MISQ)
  10. Shaping Up for E-Commerce: Institutional Enables of the Organizational Assimilation of Web Technologies (MISQ)
  11. Gender and Sexual Harrassment (ARS)
  12. Is a Map More than a Picture? The Role of SDSS Technology, Subject Characteristics, and Problem Complexity on Map Reading and Problem Solving (MISQ)
  13. Virtualness and Knowledge in Teams: Managing Love Triangle of Organizations, Individuals, and Information Technology (MISQ)
  14. Why Should I Share? Examining Social Capital and Knowledge Contribution in Electronic Networks of Practice (MISQ)
  15. Strategic orientation and performance of internet-based businesses (ISJ)
  16. The Contribution of Shared Knowledge to IS Group Performance (MISQ)
  17. Time Flies When You're Having Fun: Cognitive Absorption and Beliefs About Information Technology Usage -- by Ritu Agarwal and Elena Karahanna.
  18. Shopping.com: When E-Commerce isn't a Bargain -- Steven Alter -- Communications of AIS Volume 2:22 November 1999.
  19. The Gender Gap in Poverty in Modern Nations: Single Motherhood, the Market, and the State -- Karen Christopher, Paula England, Timothy M. Smeeding, and Katherin Ross Phillips -- 2002.
  20. The Supply and Demand of Information Systems Doctorates: Past, Present, and Future -- Lee A. Freeman, Sirkka L. Jarvenpaa, Bradley C. Wheeler -- MIS Quarterly Vol 24:03 September 2000.
  21. Strategic Information Systems Planning Success : An Investigation of the Construct and its Measurement -- Albert H. Segars, Varun Grover -- MISQ/20/22-02-5 vol.04.
  22. Small Business Growth and Internal Transparency: The Role of Information Systems -- Christopher T. Street, Darren B. Meister -- MIS Quarterly Volume 28:3 September 2004.
  23. The Effect of Codes of Ethics and Personal Denial of Responsibility on Computer Abuse Judgments and Intentions -- Susan J.Harrington (MISQ/20/20-03-3).
  24. Feminization and Juvenilization of Poverty: Trends, Relative Risks, Causes, and Consequences (ARS-25-1999).
  25. The Relationship Between User Participation and User Satisfaction: An Investigation of Four Contingency Factors -- James D. McKeen, Tor Guimaraes, James C. Wetherbe.
  26. Communication Richness in Electronic Mail: Critical Social Theory and the Contextuality of Meaning -- Ojelanki K. Ngwenyama and Allen S. Lee -- MIS Quarterly Volume 9 Juni 1997.
  27. User Heterogeneity and its Impact on Electronic Auction Market Design: An Empirical Exploration -- Ravi Bapna, Paulo Goes, Alok Gupta, and Yiwei Jin -- eMISQ, 2004, 28, 2.
  28. Searching and Scanning: How Executives Obtain Information from Executive Information Systems -- Betty Vandenbosch, Sid L. Huff -- MIS Quarterly Vol 21:01 Maret 1997.
  29. Performance and Satisfaction in Adaptive Websites : An Experiment on Searches Within a Task-Adapted Website -- Dov Te'eni dan Ron Feldman--JAIS Volume 2, Article 3 May 2001.
  30. Retailer Web Site Influence on Customer Shopping: An Exploratory Study on Key Factors of Customer Satisfaction -- J. P. Shim, Yong B. Shin, Linda Nottingham -- Journal of the Association for Information Systems Volume 3, 2002.
  31. Why Don't Men Ever Stop to Ask for Directions? Gender, Social Influence, and Their Role in Technology Acceptance and Usage Behavior -- by Viswanath Venkatesh and Michael G. Morris. (MISQ/20/24-01-1).
  32. Money, Politics and A Future for The International Financial System (WB-2001).
  33. Postponement or Abandonment of Marriage? Evidence from Hong Kong. -- Odalia M.H. Wong -- Journal of Comparative Family Studies. Calgary: Autumn 2003. Vol. 34, Iss. 4; p. 531.
  34. Interpersonal Conflict and Its Management in Information System Development -- Henri Barki dan Jon Hartwick -- MIS Quarterly, Volume 25 Juni 2001.
  35. Beta Versus VHS and the Acceptance of Electronic Brainstorming Technology -- Alan R. Dennis and Bryan A. Reinicke.
  36. Ethnic Integration and Spatial Segregation of the Chinese Population -- DAVID W.S. WONG -- Asian Ethnicity, Volume 1, Number 1, March 2000.
  37. The Effect of Multimedia on Perceived Equivocality an Perceived Usefulness of Information Systems -- Kai H. Lim and Izak Bensabat -- MISQ/20/24-03-6 vol.04.
  38. Innovating Mindfully with Information Technology -- E. Burton Swanson, Neil C. Ramiller -- MIS Quarterly Volume 28:4 Desember 2004.
  39. The Effects of Animation on Information Seeking Performance on the World Wide Web: Securing Attention or Interfering with Primary Tasks? by Ping Zhang. (JAIS/00/01-01).
  40. Civil Society, Economic Distress, and Social Tolerance.
  41. "This is Not where I Belong!" The Emotional, Ongoing, and Collective Aspects of Couples' Decision Making About Where to Live. -- Jacqueline Adams -- Journal of Comparative Family Studies. Calgary: Summer 2004. 35:3.
  42. Are Usability Assesment Techniques Reliable in Non-Western Cultures? -- Alvin W.Yeo -- EJISDC, 2000.
  43. An Intergenerational Model of Domestic Violence -- Robert A. Pollak -- 2000.
  44. A Study of the Actual and Potential Usage of Information and Communication Technology at District and Provincial Levels in Mozambique with a Focus on the Health Sector -- Jørn Braa, Esselina Macome, João Carlos Mavimbe, José Leopoldo Nhampossa, João Leopoldo da Costa, Bonifacio José, Aurélia Manave, António Sitói -- EJISDC Vol 5:2 2001.
  45. Customer Loyalty in E-commerce -- David Gefen -- JAIS/00/03-02 vol.01
  46. The Role of Information Technology Policies in Promoting Social and Economic Development: The Case of the State of Andhra Pradesh, India -- Amitabh Dabla -- EJISDC Volume 19:5 2004.
  47. Alien Abduction Phenomenon: Forbidden Knowledge of Hidden Events. Michael E. Zimmerman. Philosophy Today. Celina: SUmmer 1997 41:2.
  48. Understanding Stay/Leave Decisions In Violent Relationship: A Behavior Analytic Approach (Behavior and Social Issues. Chicago: Spring 2005 14:1)

Rencana Diskusi

  1. Kamis, 1 September 2005, 14:00-16:40: [1]
  2. Kamis, 8 September 2005, 14:00-16:40: [2]
  3. Kamis, 15 September 2005, 14:00-16:40: [3]
  4. Kamis, 22 September 2005, 14:00-16:40: [4]
  5. Kamis, 29 September 2005, 14:00-16:40: [5]
  6. Kamis, 6 Oktober 2005, 14:00-16:40 [6,7]
  7. Kamis, 13 Oktober 2005, 14:00-16:40 [8]
  8. Kamis, 10 November 2005, 14:00-16:40 [9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16]
  9. Kamis, 17 November 2005, 14:00-16:40 [17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24]
  10. Kamis, 24 November 2005, 14:00-16:40 [25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32]
  11. Kamis, 1 Desember 2005, 14:00-16:40 [33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40]
  12. Kamis, 8 Desember 2005, 14:00-16:40 [41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48]


    • Setiap kelompok menyiapkan bahan diskusi evaluasi seminar ini, serta usulan-usulan untuk penyelenggaraan seminar serupa pada semester berikutnya.
    • Silakan mengusulkan makalah yang anda anggap menarik, serta silakan mengubah urutan penyampaian seluru makalah.
    • Silakan juga membahas pengalaman pribadi, persepsi awal, serta perubahan yang terjadi selama seminar ini.

Tata Tertib

Sejalan dengan aturan-aturan Fakultas, diantaranya Keputusan Dekan Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia no. 1007/SK/PT02.H4.FASILKOM/PP/1/1998 tentang Tata Tertib Peserta Ujian Tengah Semester dan Ujian Akhir Semester, ketentuan mengikuti kuliah IKI-40991 ini sebagai berikut:



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